We all know that through the process of photosynthesis, plants use carbon dioxide (CO2) and produce oxygen making the air safer for other living beings to breathe. However, there are some particular air purifying indoor plants that you can grow indoors and support your AQI also known as air quality index.
9 Best Air Purifying Indoor Plants for your Home and Office
Although the thought of indoor plants could be intimidating for people who are not interested in gardening or fear commitment, many plants are easy to manage. In this section, we will discuss different types of air-purifying indoor plants.
Every plant has its own set of requirements. Therefore, either look at the tag for complete information about how much water and light a plant needs or find this information online. The following list of plants is easy to maintain and take care of.
1. Spider Plant
If you are someone new in gardening or have a busy schedule, a spider plant is the best choice as an air-purifying indoor plant. This plant grows at its best in bright indirect sunlight. It sends out shoots with flowers that later grow into baby spider plants.
You can report the baby plant in the soil while they remain attached to the mother plant. Once the baby plant or spiderettes are rooted, you can snip them off. It makes a good gift for anyone you care for.
2. Weeping Fig or Ficus
This plant is native to Southeast Asia and some parts of Australia where it grows as a tree. Indoors, this plant can reach up to the height of 10 feet. This one of the beautiful air purifying indoor plants is easy to take care of. It needs bright indirect sunlight to thrive. Let its soil completely dry between two watering sessions.
3. Garden Mum
During the season of fall, the popularity of this air purifying indoor plant increases as it is an inexpensive and easily manageable plant. Garden mum has pretty blooms as well. You can place them at a spot that receives indirect sunlight for less than 10 hours. It helps in removing pollutants such as formaldehyde, ammonia, and benzene.
However, if eaten, this plant is toxic. Therefore, keep them away from your pets’ reach.
4. Peace Lilly
These are some of the smallest air purifying indoor plants on this list. Therefore, these are perfect for compact places. The peace lily grows the best in shady places with moist soil, but not overwatered. You can enjoy the freshness of their beautiful flowers during summer. Like Garden mum, this plant is also toxic for children and pets, if eaten.
5. Dracaena
It is another indoor plant that helps in improving AQI. It helps in removing formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, benzene, etc. There are more than 40 kinds of Dracaena available, and you can choose the one that you like the most. This plant likes to be misted rather than watered. They can grow up to 3 feet, and therefore, require a large pot and space. Dracaena is toxic for cats and dogs when consumed.
6. Aloe Vera
This is one of the most popular air purifying indoor plants. They are not only easy to care of but also comes with a lot of health benefits. The leaves of this plant contain a liquid full of enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and some other compounds that help are anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and wound healer.
You can place it in your kitchen window as a quick burn self-remedy. Break off a leaf and there you go.
7. Snake Plant or Mother-in-Law’s Tounge
8. Boston Fern
Boston fern likes to grow in a cooler place with indirect light and high humidity. They are quite easy to grow but need to stay moist. You need to check its soil daily if it needs water and soaks it well once a month.
9. Bamboo Palm
This plant needs a good amount of light and prefers to grow away from cold drafts. They can grow up to 12 feet but may take 3 years to reach that height. Therefore, they are good to grow indoors for a couple of years.
The Last Words
Air purifying indoor plants not only helps you improve the AQI but also adds beauty to your interior. Although all plants give off oxygen, the above-listed indoor plants are specifically helpful in removing toxins from the air.